The Art of Everything session #2
This morning, I attended session #2 of the “Leadership Conversations” series about “The Art of Everything” which is Dr. Gary Waddell's “innovative approach to leadership leans in on the habits of mind of the artist and doubles down on humility, empathy, and purpose in leadership that matters.” Find notes from session #1 here.
This session was moderated by San Francisco Board of Education commissioner Gabriela Lopez talking with Dr. Janice E. Jackson, an educator with a highly distinguished career in academics and school administration.
Art Opens Our Hearts
marker and pencil on paper, 8.5” x 11”, 2021
Alt text: A colorful scribbly drawing with several faces and handwritten text. Near sketch of Dr. Gary Waddell are the words “look for synchronicity and dissonance” and a list of recommended media, “Kinsey Collection, 5 steps for Liberating Education from it’s deep racial Bias,” Art of Everything Workbook” and circled text, “how do we change those systems?”.
Near a sketch of Gabriela Lopez are the words, “art in everything we do, tap into that creativity we all know we have.”
There is a sketch of Dr. Janice E Jackson surrounded by words, “KEEP MAKING ART, the opportunity to think differently” “sometimes we’re not going to get it right” “focus on healing” “Protest - notice problem, say it out loud. Movement and advocacy - come together, name issues, trial and error for solutions. Implementation - try things. Monitoring and assessment is it getting us where we want to go?” “to the child - the deepest reverence is due” “bring movement + dance to the work, you can draw or write your response.” “It gets tough trying to make real change, I LOVE talking to kids about how they see the world.” “ARTS opens our hearts” “when someone feels stung, name the aggression you feel, apologize if someone feels harmed even if you don’t see it. how much risk and discomfort are you willing to put in.”
In the lower left are sketches of two faces from a breakout room discussion, “Arts leadership = listening. I’m white lady coming in, how do I…” “Making sure we’re doing WITH and not FOR” “ACTION!”