Portrait of a Tree With Feelings
acrylic on canvas, 18” x 24”, 2021
This canvas started as one of my election week paintings from 2020. I sat in Holly Park processing the stress of an national election whose results were still uncertain. In that first iteration (which you can see and read about here), I included the words, “FEEL that nervous ANGRY ENERGY HARNESS [and] Unleash That CREATIVE POWER.” A year later, I decided that the painting would be better without the words - but those feelings are still in there.
Now, you can see the the view of Twin Peaks in the background.
acrylic on canvas, 18” x 24”, 2021
This canvas started as one of my election week paintings from 2020. I sat in Holly Park processing the stress of an national election whose results were still uncertain. In that first iteration (which you can see and read about here), I included the words, “FEEL that nervous ANGRY ENERGY HARNESS [and] Unleash That CREATIVE POWER.” A year later, I decided that the painting would be better without the words - but those feelings are still in there.
Now, you can see the the view of Twin Peaks in the background.
acrylic on canvas, 18” x 24”, 2021
This canvas started as one of my election week paintings from 2020. I sat in Holly Park processing the stress of an national election whose results were still uncertain. In that first iteration (which you can see and read about here), I included the words, “FEEL that nervous ANGRY ENERGY HARNESS [and] Unleash That CREATIVE POWER.” A year later, I decided that the painting would be better without the words - but those feelings are still in there.
Now, you can see the the view of Twin Peaks in the background.
Full image:
See the progress this painting went through: