Grading the unkown
I’m only in the class for a week, but I want them to understand, experience, and enjoy trying out some contemporary art practice. I also understand that when they heard they were getting a sub for a week in their computer art class, they may have anticipated a lot of free time on the computers.
So I want to make my expectations real clear about what I expect of them, so there’s a number grade at stake. I may make some edits to this depending on how much group work the students will do and how much time I’ll have to review their finished work (and perhaps any notes I receive to this post).
Berman Week <::> Assessment
During this week-long unit with Mr. Berman, we’ll be making art.
We’ll have a few different exercises to help you make art, but you’ll need to figure out a topic that motivates your own art-making.
Use the charts below to determine your grade for the week.
Self assessment
10 points - I made this art with an open mind, ready to experiment and explore. I gave the art my full attention while I was working on it.
6 points - This was okay, but I could of done better.
3 points - I just wanted to get the art done and didn’t put in much effort.
Style and Design
10 - Art looks good and has style.
6 - Art looks pretty good, but some details are sloppy or the composition is unbalanced.
3 - The art doesn’t look good. It looks like little effort or feeling was put into making the art.
10 - I worked well with my group to create the best project. I did all I could for the group and I made it easy for my teammates to contribute.
6 - I was distracted while my teammates worked. Or, I did much of the work on the project. I refused help and/or ideas from my teammate.
3 - I let my teammate do all the work. Or, I wanted to work alone, but took a teammate and still did everything myself.
Berman assessment
10 - Student was creatively engaged in the art-making process.
6 - Student was distracted at times and not focused on making the art.
3 - Student was mentally somewhere else during the art-making time.
10 - Student was open to suggestions and their own intuition while making the art.
6 - Student made good art, but was resistant to experimenting or trying new approaches.
3 - Student ignored ideas from others and did not expand on their own ideas.
The results
10 - Art looks good and is interesting. It makes me think and stirs my emotions. I would hang this on my wall.
6 - Art is interesting but is somehow a little lacking.
3 - The art doesn’t look good. It looks like little effort or feeling was put into making the art.
Total: (out of 60)