The Art of Everything session #1

This morning, I attended session #1 of the “Leadership Conversations” series about “The Art of Everything” which is Dr. Gary Waddell's “innovative approach to leadership leans in on the habits of mind of the artist and doubles down on humility, empathy, and purpose in leadership that matters.”

I was convinced to attend because of how much I respect some of the guests in the line-up, because it’s being presented by Create CA (which promotes arts education in California), and because the idea bringing more art into leadership and administration really matches my own beliefs.

Hear are my skectchnotes of the conversation between Waddell, Seitu Jemel Hart, and the terrific moderator Dionna Fletcher Ndlovu. Learn more about the whole series here.

Time to be Quiet and Still
marker on paper, 8.5” x 11”, January 15, 2021

alt text: a scribbly drawing with three faces and text. Text at top reads “The Art of Everything, Leadership Conversations session #1” Drawing of Dr. Gary Waddell and a heart-shaped mirror surrounded by text, “the way I made sense of the world and my place in it. an art that permeates everything we do. what is your leadership in service to? journey through authentic human interaction, mistakes as road maps to leadership. something to play around with. the wise leader learns to be a listener. schools - where we come together across divides, obsessed with the notion that schools serve a larger purpose, come together for a common purpose. Messiness, let inspiration and iteration happen. make the moments count.” Sketch of Seitu Jemel Hart wearing a green sports coat surrounded by text “power and duty to listen deeply and come together, the work of the artist is discipline and rigour, honing your craft. My school as a sacred space.” In upper right a sketch of Dionna with words, “leaders must learn to follow, followers must learn to lead. special Seitu journal moments.” In the middle of the drawing in a circle, “And time to be quiet and still.”


Drawing of a Black Hole


TotalSF - Star Trek IV