How I’m Voting and You Can Too – June 2022
How I’m filling out my San Francisco ballot for the June 2022 election and why we really need to reject the recall attempt. Also, see the first pictures of my new San Francisco heart sculpture painting.

How I’m Voting and You Can Too - April 2022 San Francisco
How I’m voting in the April 2022 special election, the comments I’m making to the Redistricting Task Force, and a new painting about the San Francisco’s District 9.

Heart of the Mission District
How it took me over seven years to paint “Heart of the Mission.”

Watch my heart develop
My design, “Four Hills, Four Towers, Flowing Fog, Native Flowers” was selected and I will get to paint a heart sculpture to benefit the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation.
I will continue to update this post with pictures of the heart in progress.