Two Hearts for Mission Kiss
I painted two heart panels to give to the community as part of the Mission Kiss public art project on September 25, 2022. If you enjoy this art - and especially if you are taking one of these paintings home - please use the Paypal button below to give money to the artist.
Kiss Your Tenants Union
acrylic on wood, 2022
With love to the San Francisco Tenants Union for keeping so many of us housed and protecting our human rights.
Kiss of Karl
acrylic on wood, 2022
With love to “Karl” the fog for keeping us cool during global warming.
The Mission Kiss project is an outdoor art show, a « Heart Walk » that is brought out into the Mission community of San Francisco, California, during this pandemic in a safe, enjoyable way.
Hearts, prepared by artists and local students depicting a diversity of people kissing or being loving, are hung from trees and fences along a pre-determined route. The artists leave their hearts to be offered to the community, which if they choose, can donate back to the artists. Art is made affordable for whomever claims it, and artists have a chance to sell their work and participate in a positive, community building event.
A kiss is a way to show affection!
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