Floating Bernal Hill
acrylic on canvas, 11” x 14”, 2021
See one of my newest paintings in this exhibit at Youth Art Exchange that will be bursting with love and pride for San Francisco.
(415) Public Gallery: a Crowdsourced Art Show Open to ALL SF Artists!
Youth Art Exchange is happy to invite you to our (415) Public Gallery, an art show that places the public as both exhibitors and audience members. The curation of the art show will be crowdsourced from those living/working/loving in San Francisco. No, we really mean EVERYONE, whether they consider themselves an artist or not, we want everybody’s creativity in our gallery. All ages/backgrounds welcome.
This art show will draw San Francisco together by placing pieces together from unexpected and delightful participants. Building the art show will build creative community in the southeastern part of San Francisco in the Excelsior at [x]space arts hub by connecting neighbors and beyond as they show and view work.
Art will be on display at our dedicated arts hub, [x]space, from April 11-April 28th.