How to Fight Climate Change in San Francisco

I attended an online salon hosted by some friends to learn more about how to fight climate change in San Francisco. Executive Director Tom Radulovich and Associate Director Katy Birnbaum answered questions about how their organization is working to make our city more sustainable.

They outlined how they are advocating for the city of San Francisco to improve its Climate Action Plan and their approach for making joy central to how they organize people for that advocacy. They have a vision for making public spaces more green and joyful so that people are more willing to use transit, bikes, and walking instead of cars.

Here are my sketchnotes from that discussion.

A Livable City Salon

Marker and pencil on paper, 8.5” x 11”, August 17, 2021

Image alt text: scribbly drawing including mediocre portraits of Darin, Katy, Becks, and Sasha, and a pretty accurate drawing of Tom Radulovich, Executive Director. Text all over the page reads, “Salon, Livable Cities, Climate Change in San Francisco.” “Have a Block Party Oct 17 Joy, deepen relationships, neighborfest,” “Get activated.” Moving that window of What feels possible.” “Governments are bad at trade-offs, contacting your supervisor definitely effective.” “debug building code to allow for more passive green + new construction” “Supporting and advocating for a San Francisco climate plan” “> Get us to sustainability, net 0, > Account for all emissions including consumption based emissions, food and stuff producation, > Address multiple environmental problems, > EQUITY more trees in Bayview. streamline housing that is affordable” “-Transportation 50% to 80%, - go electric, - Green the city less asphalt more trees, - consume less” “Can we have a SF Green New Deal? Jobs for the refugees who will come” “100 BLOCK PARTIES!” “What are climate implications of each choice?” “Volunteer at play streets, Have a block party.”

What can you do? You can volunteer at Play Streets and help organize Block Parties or volunteer to help with Phoenix Day, a citywide Sunday Streets and block party event. You can also follow or join Livable City and be ready to call your supervisor whenever they have a chance to choose a policy that is better for our world.


Vote No On All The Recalls


When I was a Substitute Teacher Artist