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About Todd
Todd Berman is a San Francisco artist and educator who paints scribbly, surrealistic landscapes of San Francisco. His art reflects the colorful eccentricity bound within moments and individuals; depicting scenes of people coming together to improve their surroundings.
Todd uses his drawings to document political meetings and community events and uses his painting practice for more in-depth inquiry into the textures and patterns that connect us all.
Todd also uses his art to deepen understanding in all subjects as a specialist in arts integration. He is the director of Uphill Arts and manages Where Art Lives, a program providing arts education for students of San Francisco public schools. From 2015-2020, he served as Executive Director of the Arts Education Alliance of the Bay Area.
You may have seen his crowd-sourced City of Awesome paintings when they filled 10 public buses as part of the 2015 SF Muni Art program.
Todd was born in the hills of West Virginia, grew up on Long Island, NY, and moved to San Francisco in 1998 after receiving a BA in Public Policy from Brown University.
He has been making art and exhibiting in San Francisco since 1998.
On occasion, Todd’s work has been noticed by local news outlets.
“Berman is not content to try to capture the spirit of the entire city single-handedly. Instead, he has recruited citizens young and old to draw pictures of themselves and bring them to Mission Pie, where Berman has collaged them onto his wildly vibrant San Francisco landscapes that emphasize the wonders of our unique geography.”